
Rotating Monitors & Wikipedia Wallpapers

I keep seeing stories on the top wallpapers found on the net. It surprises me that this one of loch lomond doesn't show up ever on the lists. It ranks high on my list as it is the best wallpaper that scales down to 1600x1200 resolution. Simply stunning. Wikipedia now (recent discovery of mine) has a section for featured wallpapers that are top notch. Quite a few high resolution images exist on that sight that supports my new monitor setup, which is effectively 3200x1600 resolution. Yes, I know I brag too much but I'm quite happy now that I have a video card in my computer at work that supports rotating the 21" wide screen monitors and I can't help but be giddy. Really, all wide screen monitors should be rotated as a default option. Most people use their computer to work with and having a very tall monitor allows for most of the work (documents) to be displayed without having to scroll. For those who don't know, you can rotate many flat screen monitors by going into the display properties dialog, navigate to the settings tab, click on the Advanced button and then attempt to locate a tab or a setting somewhere called Rotation. It will be different depending on the graphics card.


corey and shelley southpark

corey and shelley southpark
Originally uploaded by ShellCore.
I enjoyed spending an hour making this picture. The south park studio (http://www.sp-studio.de) is quite fun and it was pretty simple to put together this image. I realize that there probably should be a few more sky scrappers and apartment buildings, but this was enough to satisfy my artistic urge.