
Wedding Card

On the weekend my wife and I went looking for the perfect wedding invitation for a friend of mines wedding. Our (or maybe I should just say mine) criteria for the invitation was that it should contain absolutely none of the usual hallmark poems written by mentally challenged soccer moms. Any word like aura, soul, spirit, heart, faith, love, wub, wuv, or essence were automatically rejected. I'm pretty sure I could write up a program that would randomly concatenate various prepositions and nouns with this list to produce Hallmark quality like:

Souls love companionship, but they will always find a place within our faithful spirits.

Looking on the net I see a bunch of sayings generators that I could probably modify. Even Chairmain Mao has his own generator...although I can't get him to say anything interesting.

Anyways, we found this card in the "congratulations" section of the card store, which had quite a number of classy cards for various occasions. It is especially fitting since the reception will be potluck and we plan on brining cookies.


In Soviet Russia Posters Watch You!

Kultura 074
Originally uploaded by bpx.
This photo is part of a flickr collection of Soviet Russia propaganda posters that I found really fascinating. Inspired by Premee's Tape Worm poster I thought that I'd post this collection I discovered a while ago.

I was tempted for a while to print a few of these out and put them up in my office, but I then reminded myself that I'm trying to improve my office reputation. See, I have a tendency to be rather coarse and severed heads posted up on my walls may give people the wrong idea about me....or maybe the right idea... in any case, I'm prepared to spend a lengthly career avoiding all of the insanity around me and at the same time I'll try and go about my day with a smile on my face. Such an inspiring poster.